bullet Ethylene glycol
bullet Ethoxylates and PEG
bullet Glycol ethers and acetates
bullet Performance chemicals
bullet Industrial gases
bullet Ennature Biopharma
bullet Natural gums
bullet Spirits



AGM / postal ballot notice

Notice 2022-2023
Notice 2021-2022
Notice 2020-2021
Notice 2019-2020
Notice Proxy Form 2018-2019
Notice Proxy Form 2017-2018
Notice Interim Divided
Intimation of 36th Annual General Meeting
Intimation of 37th Annual General Meeting and Book Closure
Intimation of 38th Annual General Meeting and Book Closure
Intimation of 39th Annual General Meeting and Book Closure
Postal Ballot Notice - November, 2023
Postal Ballot Notice - November, 2022
Postal Ballot Notice - March, 2021
India Glycols Postal Ballot