products for the automotive sector include brake fluid and
anti-freeze coolant. The company has ensured that both products
adhere to the strict quality norms required by Indian and
international companies.
Brake fluids
IGLs brake fluids are manufactured with know-how from
M/s Sulzer Chemtech, Switzerland. IGLs facility is the
largest and the only continuous process glycol ether plant
in India ensuring consistent quality.
The company manufactures DOT-3 and DOT-4
grades of brake fluid as per international specifications
and is approved by ARAI, Pune, a leading automobile research
institute in India.
The companys product range includes
DOT-3 and DOT-4 brake fluids under the IGDOT brand. Components
for brake fluids such as PEG, DEG and higher glycol ethers
are also available.
Anti-freeze coolant
The companys anti-freeze coolant is supplied to major
oil companies and the Indian Ministry of Defence, meeting
their stringent specifications.