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Industries > Paper



The paper and pulp industry uses a variety of surfactants and defoamers at various stages of the manufacturing and treatment process. IGL’s range of products addresses almost every stage while promising customer-specific variants of consistent quality.

Given below are the products that the company manufactures:

Ethoxylates and PEGs:
These are used in defoamers which find application in pulping, brown stock washing, paper machines and coating effluent treatment plants.
These are used in felt washing and conditioning and de-inking chemicals and cooking aid, among others. These can be made to suit customer-specific requirements.
Strength additives:
Guar gum products are used to increase strength, burst factor, folding endurance, etc. It is also used as a retention aid for fillers. Synthetic strength-improving chemicals include DSR (cationic) and WSR (for tissue paper).